PG1 Course

How long does it take to complete this course

This depends on your availability and weather but a guide is 2 to 3 sessions.

What happens on the first day

After meeting everyone, we have a briefing on what's going to happen during the day. You will start by watching others and then be fitted to a harness and a glider.

The process of launching the glider will be explained and then practiced. Depending on the weather we could start you with a small glider so you learn faster without being pulled around.

Once you can control the glider on the ground you are ready for your first flight.

How many in a PG1 group

This varies but 4 to 6 people is common.

What do I bring

Bring food, water, sunscreen, sturdy shoes and comfortable clothing. Everything else is supplied.

How do I know where and when we meet

Once you sign up you will be sent a PDF with all relevant information and added to our whatsapp group. Where and what time to meet is posted prior to each flyable day.

We train at Ruapuke on the west coast near Raglan. Wind direction determines which location we will use as there are 3 launches, notification of location and meeting time is posted on whatsapp.

Can my partner or friend come and take photos and hang with me

Of course, we like you to include people close to you. Paragliding is an awesome sport/experience and even better when it's shared

What if the weather isn't good on my selected course dates?

The weather conditions required to run the course are very specific,

For your comfort and safety we can not run courses in high winds or rain

We need

  • No rain
  • 5-11knots
  • Direct onshore wind direction

If you miss your selected course due to weather simply join any other PG1 course. This can be communicated through our whatsapp group.

We run courses weekdays and weekends.

What if I can't make my selected course?

We pride ourselves on providing lots of PG1 course opportunities. If you miss your selected course you can join any other PG1 course

What if I'm a little nervous

You will only be progressed when you feel ready. Our objective is for you to have an enjoyable learning experience

PG2 Course

Can I start right away

You begin as soon as you sign up.

We have students at various stages, from beginners to those that have almost finished the course. We provide an inclusive and welcoming learning enviroment.

Note: You must complete PG1 before moving to PG2

How long will it take

This depends on the following factors:

  • Your availability
  • Weather
  • Your desire to practice ground handling on your own
  • Your degree of understanding the requirements to fly solo safely

In perfect conditions PG1 & PG2 can be completed in 2-3 weeks, however, in poor weather conditions with a student that has restricted availability it could take 16 weeks.

Ground handling is the foundation to being a good pilot. Your ability to kite and launch your glider in a variety of conditions, on a variety of launch sites, is both vital to your safety and your ability to fly.

The one thing great pilots have in common is superb ground control.

Do you supply equipment for PG2

Once you begin your PG2 you will need to purchase or hire a paraglider and harness. 

Mount Paragliding has a lot of gear for you to try before you buy. You can purchase new or used equipment. Another option is to rent the equipment to give you time to decide what the best gear is for you.

NZHGPA rules stipulate that approved gliders for students must be rated EN-A or EN-B.

Do you have used equipment for sale

We supply new and used gliders  in near new condition for sale.

Our equipment is top quality and in excellent condition.

We offer Icaro, Ozone and Supair equipment

Why hire the equipment

This option gives you a chance to try various gliders and harnesses so you make the best decision when it comes to buying your equipment.

Some people want a glider that's faster or more agile than a student glider before they have the piloting skills to match. It's our experience that a student progresses faster and is safer on a student glider.

Hiring gives you the chance to gain confidence on our student rated equipment. NZHGPA rules stipulate that approved gliders for students must be rated EN-A or EN-B.

Paramotor Conversion Course

How long does the course take

2-6 flight days depending on participants level and experience.

We also travel to licence pilots for this course minimum of 2 participants we will travel anywhere in the north island.

What should I bring

Please ensure you have the engine manual and it has been serviced recently.

Bring 5litres of new fuel for each day mixed to manuafactures specifications.

What do I need prior to doing this course

You need your PG2 solo paragliding licence prior to starting this course

Do I need my own Motor

Yes you will need your own gear for this course.

Do you sell Paramotors

We sure do we sell Parajet Paramotors. Contact us and we can sort all your equipment requirements

Paramotor Course

What is involved with this course

25 Paraglider flights and 25 Powered flights

Do I need my own gear

You can use our Paragliding gear for the free flights then you will need to purchase a Paramotor to complete the powered flights

Where is this course run from

The free flights will be at Ruapuke on the North Islands west coast.